This blog was created to lead people to important information about life and the true nature of the world in which we live. Each picture that you see on the homepage of this blog is a design for a t-shirt. In order to view the information about the design you need to click on the "title" of the image (not the image itself). Once you click on the title you should see a small "blurp" about what the design means. Under the "blurp" you will find links to videos that will help give you a clearer understanding of the design and why it is important. 

There is also a link directly under the image that will lead you to the shop where you can see what the design will look like on different styles and colors of shirts. The shirt categories include men, women, children and toddler. Each category also has different shirt styles such as regular, fitted, destroyed, burnout, etc. Each type of shirt is priced differently so you have the option to buy anything from value t-shirts to higher end American Apparel distressed shirts. The "customize" button is best used for the design placement(i.e. adjust how high or how low you would like the design to appear on the shirt). Play around with the shop and you will get used to all the options that you have. Enjoy! 

BTW...This is a work in progress, meaning that I will continually be updating the videos for each shirt design as I come across them. I will also be creating many more shirt designs as time allows. The information provided by this website is just a small example of the information that is available to you. Please continue your search for more information and use your own discernment as you begin to uncover the truth.

This is a preview of the t-shirt shop. You can get to the t-shirt shop by either clicking on one of the images below or you can look under each design image and click on the "View Shirt Options" button and it will take you to the direct link for that shirt design in the shop. You can begin to customize the color and style of your shirt once you are there. Enjoy! 

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Project Camelot

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**This information is take directly from the Project Camelot website**

The best place to hide is in the open

Project Camelot is based on an idea generated when we first met and spent the weekend in Tintagel, England, overlooking the sea in the home of King Arthur. We named our project in tribute to the vision behind the utopian idea of the Round Table - and have structured all our efforts in this inspiring spirit.

Ever since our launch in 2006 we have been financing Project Camelot solely out of our own pockets and with the generous help of donations from visitors to our site. We thank you sincerely all for your help and support, without which we could not do what we do.

To date, we have traveled widely meeting and interviewing truth-tellers in the effort to provide enlightening testimony about the true nature of our world. We will continue as long as our funds and contributions make this all possible.

Note: for those who are wondering about the Cheetah logo and now the Snow Leopard used here on Kerry's site, Project Camelot Productions, and also on Bill's site Project Avalon. It is a nod to the famous MGM Lion... A nod to the power of film (and video) in making manifest the amazing facets of worlds and realities, to display for scrutiny and analysis and wonder what it means to be human.

Camelot interviews are shot in a guerilla style that captures the interpersonal dynamic as well as enables the viewer to determine whether the truth is being told, some facsimile thereof, or a lie.. The camera reveals this in the facial expression, voice, tone and body language of the subject, and gives us added insight into what resonates and what does not. It gives us a candid picture of not only the person but also reveals the more subtle layers underneath. We pick up subliminal cues and as viewers can come to our own conclusions, without being limited or misled by edited sound bytes, canned commentaries or misdirects by the interviewer that interfere with a determination of what is truth and what is fantasy or simply a lie.

Kerry Cassidy
Kerry Lynn Cassidy has a BA in English with graduate work in Sociology, an MBA certificate from the UCLA Anderson Graduate School of Management, and was competitively selected to attend a year of film school at the UCLA Extension Short Fiction Film Program as one of their first "hyphenates": a writer-director-producer.

After 19 years in Hollywood working for major studios and independent production companies in production, development and new media, she has written a number of screenplays. As an independent producer she pitched projects around Hollywood to major producers and directors and then in April 2006 Kerry co-founded Project Camelot with Bill Ryan and has been working as a documentary filmmaker and producer for the past 4 years.

Kerry conducts interviews documenting the testimony of whistleblowers with above top secret clearances as well as researchers and experiencers covering all aspects of reality both on and off planet. She speaks at conferences around the world on the subjects of ETs, the Illuminati agenda, mind control, the matrix, prophecies, 2012 and many other subjects. Kerry is an intuitive and spent years researching the occult and studying Eastern philosophy. While spending dedicated time in meditation, she linked her chakras in her 20s and has had multiple samadhi experiences since then.

Bill Ryan
Bill Ryan has a BSc in Mathematics with Physics and Psychology (Bristol University, UK, 1974), and followed this with a brief stint in teaching. For 27 years he was a management consultant specializing in personal and team development, leadership training and executive coaching. Major long-term clients included BAe (Systems) Ltd (formerly British Aerospace), Hewlett-Packard, and PricewaterhouseCoopers.

In November 2005 he inaugurated the Project Serpo website, the report of an alleged disclosure, in stages, of a US-alien exchange program which took place over 40 years ago. While he had been interested in UFOs, Free Energy research and alternative medicine (he is trained as a kinesiologist) for over thirty years, his first contact with the UFO community at large occurred after establishing the Serpo website. He resigned his management consultancy post in May 2006 and now devotes all his time to Project Camelot and Project Avalon.





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Blow the Whistle

This is another design for the Project Camelot website. This website is truely dedicated to providing amazing video interviews of people who have worked in the government on "black projects", scientist, military and other top professionals in their field. Most of the information provided in these videos will absolutly blow your mind as they are blowing the whistle on the biggest institutions of our time.


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a-Wear 1

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This is a simple brand named shirt that speaks loudly if you are "aware" of what "a-Wear" is about. It's simply a play on words. The intention of the a-Wear brand is to inspire, enlighten, provoke and essentially awaken people in our society to the truth that has been hidden from most of us. It's time for us to separate ourselves from the "sheeple" of the world and let it be known that we want answers and that we will not give up the fight for freedom and truth.

"Who are we?','Where do we come from?', 'What are we here for?'..." These are the fundamental questions that we have all asked when we were children and are still asked by our children today. For most of us, these questions have never been given an answer that has satisfied our intellect and most of us know deep down inside that there is something about these fundamental questions of life that have been held from us.

It's my intention to have a-Wear become part of a cultural movement that I will refer to as The Final Awakening. This underground movement has picked up a lot momentum since the unveiling of the Internet.  It's time yet again for a new surge that will quickly grow into a wide spread phenomenon where people decide that they will become their own media (i.e. wearing clothes not just because they look cool but because they look cool and have a message).

The Final Awakening is a loving peaceful movement for truth seekers, soul searchers and activists alike, who are ready for a real change. This is not only a political change but a personal and spiritual change as well. As with any cultural movement, the people of this movement will be defined by the actions we take, the questions we raise and the clothes that we wear, and therefore; a-Wear has decided to take on an urban look and feel with it's designs that are accompanied with a message of purpose and intent. The "urban" look was chosen to gain quick popularity with the masses. It is highly likely that a-Wear's designs will continue to grow and change with the movement itself. 

Video Links
Jim Carrey on Awakening
Jim Carrey on Living in the Now
Jenny McCarthy on Peace 
We the People
The Freedom Movie 1
The Freedom Movie 2
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a-Wear 2

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Another simple a-Wear design intended to help people understand the nature of a-Wear. The upside down "e" is a phonetic symbol know as the "schwa". Schwa is a very short neutral vowel sound, and like all vowels, its precise quality varies depending on the adjacent consonants. Simply put, the sound that you hear when you say "about, awaken, apparent, aware" etc. all have the schwa sound. When you understand this you will understand that "a-Wear" means "aware".
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Distorted History

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As you start becoming aware of what is truly happening in our world it will become apparent that the history taught to us in schools is very distorted. The "his" in history is highlighted red to signify that history is written by the conquerors of war. This tells us that we normally only get one side of the story and thus we have "his story" and point of view. Other points of view and arguably more relevant historical facts are often overlooked or altogether left out of our knowledge base.

Video Links
What "they" haven't told you!
The message in the Crop Circles
Forbidden Knowledge
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Dot Connector

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Dot Connectors are people who have researched or studied many different government cover-ups and conspiracies (NWO, Roswell, Suppressed Technologies, JFK, Illuminati, Freemasons, New World Order, Federal Reserve, False Flag Operations, secret societies...etc.) along with ancient teachings, cultures, symbolism and spirituality. These people begin to have a broader understanding of what is taking place in our society on a much deeper level. After a person reaches a certain point in their understanding and enlightenment, they are able to start connecting the dots and putting the piece of the puzzle together. A dot connector is much like you and me, a truth seeker attempting to make sense of it all. The red, blue and green signify...

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"DUMBs" is an acronym for Deep Underground Military Bases. These bases have been built all over the world. In America the government and it's associated counterparts have feverishly been building these DUMBs for the past 30 years or more. During the Bush administration the build for these bases went up drastically. Exactly what these DUMBs are going to be used for, no one knows for sure. The two most plausible uses for these bases are:

1. A safe haven for the so called "elite" of the world and anyone they see fit to join them in the occurrence of a major catastrophe most likely created by "them".
2. A gas chamber for the unsuspecting civilians who are lured in by false claims of protection.

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Exopolitics is the study of the key individuals, political institutions and processes associated with extraterrestrial life.

Exopolitics is defined as an interdisciplinary scientific field, with its roots in the political sciences, that focuses on research, education and public policy with regard to the actors, institutions and processes, associated with extraterrestrial life, as well as the wide range of implications this entails through public advocacy and newly emerging paradigms.

I think the most intriguing thing about Exopolitics is the fact that they have given a name to political issues involved with extraterrestrials. That means that Aliens have literally been placed on the map, and disclosure is more eminent than ever before.

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Federal Reserve

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One of the quotes that I like most about the Federal Reserve System is that the Federal Reserve is no more "federal" than Federal Express. Many people believe that the Federal Reserve is part of the American Government. In reality, it is a private banking system that has taken control of the American economy. Many of the people who hold interests in this private bank are from other countries around the world and do not have an interest in the American people what so ever. These people have sold out Americans as collateral for debts owed by the American Government. They define Americans as individual corporations and this is evident when you see that your name on all legal documents (i.e. birth certificates, social security) is printed in all capital letters. The best information about what the Federal Reserve System is, how it was started and what has been hidden from the public is Arron Russo's "America: Freedom to Fascism". This is a very well put together documentary and will keep you captivated from start to finish.

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Freedom to Fascism
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Intelligent Design

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This is a design of the Golden Spiral which is derived from the Golden Ratio. There is a lot of interesting information out there about the Golden Ratio and how it is seen in all living things. The Golden Ratio is expressed and symbolized by the Greek letter "Phi". The Golden Ratio is also very closely interconnected with something called the "Fibonacci sequence".

All of the mathematics involved in all of this is pretty boring unless you are a mathematician. What's very intriguing is where these numbers are found and how they play out in our universe. To me, it is simply scientific proof that there is intelligent design behind the universe. The things that we see in the world that seem very random (i.e. branches on a tree) are in fact able to be expressed using the Golden Ratio and Fibonacci sequence.

The videos and information that follow are not boring math lessons but are exciting information about what it all means. So take the time to familiarize yourself with this quirky little number they call phi.

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Flower of Life

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This design is based on the flower of life. The "Flower of Life" is the figure in the middle of the design that fades out. It is considered by some to be a symbol of sacred geometry, said to contain ancient, religious value depicting the fundamental forms of space and time. This symbol also holds other symbols like the "seed of life", "Vesica Piscis, "tree of life" and many more within it. This symbols have been used in many religions such as Christianity, Kabbalah, Judaism and many other ancient cultures. The Flower of Life along with other geometrical figures are apart of "sacred geometry".

Sacred geometry can be described as a belief system attributing a religious or cultural value to many of the fundamental forms of space and time. According to this belief system, the basic patterns of existence are perceived as sacred because in contemplating them one is contemplating the origin of all things. By studying the nature of these forms and their relationship to each other, one may seek to gain insight into the scientific, philosophical, psychological, aesthetic and mystical laws of the universe.

Simply put, these forms that make up sacred geometry hold many answers to the questions of life and the nature of the universe. Most, if not all, of this very important information and will not be found in your local Sunday School class.

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Sacred Geometry
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This is a design of the HAARP facility located in Gakona, Alaska. HAARP stands for High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program. It is basically a bunch of high frequency transmitters or antenna. This program is run by the US Air force, Navy and DARPA.  Many top secret scientific research and experiments are being held at these facilities. There is much evidence that suggest that this technology is capable of changing weather pattern causing floods, hurricanes, droughts etc. as well as earthquakes.

It sounds like science fiction but if you understand and take in to consideration how weather can be altered by the heating and cooling of the ionosphere and ocean currents by focusing enough high frequencies into certain areas then everything starts to become all too clear. And as with any technology, the more they use and experiment with HAARP, the better they get at making predictable changes.

Video Links
Jesse Ventura about HAARP
Project BlueBeam
HAARP Holes in Heaven
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AHHHH! The harmony of life. It sounds so simple, and it is. Everything around you in the physical and non-physical world is vibrating at unique frequencies, including us. Just like each individual instrument in an orchestra creates a unique frequency of sound, so does every living thing on this planet and in the universe. Our eyes allow us to visually see some of these vibrations of light, which in turn, allows us to see the vibrations of other objects.  Some of these frequencies we notably hear/see because it is in our capacity to hear/see them. Some frequencies are not heard or seen, but are felt through one of our senses not "officially" recognized, emotions. 

Our emotions are what these different frequencies feel like. All objects, including people, are vibrating at certain frequencies. This is why you either connect with a person or you do not. If you are vibrating at the same or complimentary frequency as someone else, you will connect (or click) with that person. Now, if two people meet and they are not on the same frequency, they will either learn how to tune in to eachothers frequecy by getting to know and understand one another, or they will always clash (not click).

This all leads us back to our universe, and in-particular, our planet. Just as everything else in our universe vibrates to a certain frequency, so does our Mother Earth and everything that lives here. The Earth, and her inhabitants, are continuously attempting to create a perfect harmony with their vibrations interacting, just as the instruments in an orchestra. As long as we continue to clash and not connect to our world, we will live in a state of fear and not love. Love and Fear being the two ultimate dualities in our existence. Those who can find a way in-which to connect to our world, will find themselves living in a state of love. Those of us who continue to hold on to this "self absorbed materialistic society" are living in a state of fear and only get small glimpses of how life can really be lived and what life is really all about. 

I guarantee you that it's not about getting up to go to "work" and leaving your kids with someone else all day, only to come home with a few hours to spend with the most precious thing you have. Then doing it all over again, day after day, year after year until you wake up one day and realize that there was something very special about life that you missed. 

These people of age start to play catch up, desperately trying to make sense of it all before they pass away. Some of these peoples' struggles lead them to organized religion and eventually further from the truth; the truth that many teachers before us have bear witness to. The truth is that the spark of God lives within all of us. We are all capable of creating and we do create our own realities every day. If we truly want to live in a state of love, all we have to do is intend, desire and choose it. BUT, because we are all co-creating together, it will take everyone collectively to make this change occur all around our world. 

This will be the greatest social revolution ever encounter on this planet. This paradigm shift will occur once we reach the "Tipping Point". The more people who are actively spreading this positive message of change, the sooner our society will realize The Final Awakening. Live in harmony with our world and always in peace.

Video Links
Living in Harmony
Carol Sagan's Cosmos: Harmony of the Worlds
The Freedom Movie: A Spiritual Awakening 
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The name 'Hopi' is a shortened form of what these Native American people call themselves, Hopituh Shi-nu-mu, "The Peaceful People" or "Peaceful Little Ones". The Hopi religion is anti-war. To be Hopi is to strive toward this concept, which involves a state of total reverence and respect for all things, to be at peace with these things, and to live in accordance with the instructions of Maasaw, the Creator or Caretaker of Earth. The Hopi observe their traditional ceremonies for the benefit of the entire world.

I think it is time that we all begin to listen and understand what ancient cultures like the Hopi have to teach the children of the world.

Video Links
Little Grandmother
HOPI Elder Shares the Prophecy 
80's Retro Look into the HOPI Prophecies
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Live in the Now

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This design is meant to visualize the phrase "live in the now". This is a philosophical phrase that originates from the idea that nothing really exist except the present. The past and the future are only ideas that live in the mind. Many people live their lives in the past. They allow the past to dictate their life in the present. I'm not saying that we shouldn't learn from our past. I'm just saying that we should not dwell on things that have happened in the past if it impedes our ability to enjoy the present. Other people live for the future without any regard to what is happening in the present. A great example would be people who are so focused on their career or pursuit of monetary success that they miss out on the successes that they have already gained, e.g. family, children, and even materialistic objects like their car, home and other recreational toys...

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LOVE. Love is an interesting word and concept. There are so many different ways in which love manifests itself in our world yet in English there is really only one word we use to express this emotion. Other cultures have different words that they use for love which makes it easier for a person to distinguish and express this emotion in different ways.

Love in a Relationship:
I am not talking about the misguided fair tales that infiltrate our homes though our television and in popular literature. The stories of love that we learn when growing up are misleading and I believe they have a negative effect when we enter adult relationships. True "love" is not always rainbows and butterflies. Loves true identity comes from peoples efforts to understand one another, to be non-judgmental and forgiving. Love is not always happy; sometimes it is revealed in sorrow. Love does not always mean that you lust over one another but rather find comfort in the presents of that person. I can go on and on about what love is but the point is love is rarely the BS that we are led to believe. That is why our divorce rate is higher than it has ever been. After the rainbows and butterflies have floated away, many people feel that it is over and that they need to move on and find that again with someone else. These people will continue their search for an empty promise only to experience a small part of what a loving relationship is about, and for some people this is the only part of love that they want or need and so I say, "to each their own."

Love is...

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This shirt is not intended to imply violence or that we need to start a war with our government. This design is a wake up call for the American people. We need to open our eyes to the politics that are playing out in our government at this time. When our government begins policing civilians with our military forces, this should send shock waves throughout the country. This completely goes against everything that our founding fathers intended. The Katrina catastrophe was a perfect example of our government over stepping their bounds. When they sent in military troops to "rescue" innocent civilians and forcefully took the guns away from the people, this violates the American Constitution. And now they are working feverishly to find any way to do away with the 2nd Amendment. We need to do something about this soon before we find our highways and neighborhoods policed by our military.

I know that many people have their own views about this subject but it's a subject that needs to be debated. This is why I bring issues like this to the table. The comment boxes at the bottom of the page are a great place to debate any issues that are on this blog. Peaceful intellectual debates are welcome but crude comments are not.

Video Links:

Fall of the Republic

The Right to Self Determination
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No we won't Obama

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This shirt design expresses an opposition to Obama's campaign slogan, "Yes we can!" It strongly states, "No we won't Obama!" We will not just bend over and take it up the rear. Many of the people who voted against Obama understand this clearly and there are also many people who voted for Obama who are beginning to see that all of his campaign promises were absolute lies. The guy is a great speaker and in light of all that our country has been going though, the American people knew that there needed to be some major changes take place in order to get America back to what it once was. The Obama team was privy to this and they obviously did an outstanding job persuading the people that he would be the man to bring that change that we desperately need. Unfortunately, as it turns out, he has fallen way short of the real changes that need to occur in our country.

To dig a little deeper, we can lift the veil and see American politics for what is really is. Those of you in the "know" will understand that the puppets (politicians) who are placed in front of us by the so called "elite", are really only there to make us feel that we actually have a choice. Therefore, this shirt could have potentially been made for any President that the elite appointed to speak to the American people. This raises the question, "Who is actually running this country?" And I guarantee you that it's not the American people as it should be.

Did he bring the change that you were hoping for?

Video Links:
The Obama Deception

Right to Self Determination

The Freedom Movie: A Political Awakening  
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